Thursday, February 16, 2012

Status Quo, New Sales Item, and Planned Rides

With our weather we are kind of in a holding pattern with riding.  It's consistently too wet for us to ride consistently.  

My PBO and I measured out a small dressage arena yesterday, then we both hopped.. well ok - she hopped, I crawled, onto our ponies bareback and just had fun.  Loosy goosy meandering around the arena kinda fun.

Strange thing though, and I've noticed it before.  Rosie doesn't like me sitting on her back without a saddle.  Her ears are almost always pinned.  She's ok walking around, but ask to trot and I get attitude head tossing and sudden stops.  I'm not certain if she's ever been consistently ridden bareback before, or could this be something different?  I'm looking into getting a basic bareback pad so maybe that will help.

I added a Harmohan Kraft Hunt Bridle to my "Virtual Barn Sale" tab.  It's in excellent condition and does include the snaffle bit.  This bridle would fit from cob to average horse size.  I didn't measure the bit - but I believe it to be a 5 to 5.5 in size.  I can measure if anyone would like.

Now for the fun part.  It's February and I am ready to RIDE!  I'm investigating lots of new and challenging things for Rosie and I.  The most awesome part is my PBO said "I'm game for anything!" when asked if she'd like to do some of these things...

Fox Hunt
Hunter Pace
Ride for A Cure (new button on my side bar)

Definitely doing the Ride for a Cure so will be buying all sorts of pink stuff for Rosie and I!

What do you guys have planned for fun rides this riding season?


  1. We're pretty staid in our riding. We enjoy just getting out and riding throughout our area - through the sage, along the irrigation ditches, through the Bosque woods along the Rio Grande.


  2. We are just trail riders -- through the woods near our house, the abandoned railroad line that runs south for about 3 miles, and to some state, county and local parks in the area with riding trails. Nothing fancy, but it is fun....

  3. My plans are to put my 'big girl panties' on and drive my ponies!

    Can you measure the bit and the length of the noseband? I might be very interested in buying the bridle. (Since my boys are kinda chunky, some of the problems I have with fit are with the noseband/caveson not fitting.

  4. I like the bridle:) I might be interested if you haven't already found someone else...

  5. Maybe you're just too skinny and your pelvic bones are poking her when you! Just teasing you...'cause you really do look fabulous!

    I made a sort of New Year Resolution with myself this year that I would not wait until late Spring/early summer to start riding again, even though our winters mean lots of snow, ice and mud and there is no where safe to ride up here in the mountains for most of the winter.
    That's why I've been logging lots of miles and hours in the saddle down in the Rio Grande Valley almost every weekend riding another horse. The weather is always 15-20 degrees warmer and consistently drier than what we have up here.
    The positive is I'm enjoying gorgeous scenery from horseback, learning new skills, working on my balance and strength and having lots of fun.
    The negative is that my poor horse is out of shape and stuck at home, probably bored out her mind, on her 1.5 acre pasture.
    Gosh...I feel really bad now. :(



Happy Trails!
