Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's In There Somewhere

Brady is my middle son and at almost 15 years old he is in the middle of what I call the "Lost Years". You know that period of time between 13 and 17 (ish) that they kind of go "stupid". I don't mean like loss of intelligence, they are just lost trying to figure out what life is about.

He had to get dressed up for his High School Concert Chorus so I took some pictures.

Man when did he get so tall?

Samie and her "little" brother.

The Boy I Love...

...the Man He Will Become


  1. Aww so handsome!! My boy J is 15 and he is away this week for an FFA National Convention in Indianapolis...And I miss him like crazy!!! He always makes me laugh, so needless to say there has been less laughing while he's been gone :(

  2. Country Girl - Brady is very much a goofball always has been I sure hope he always is.

    One thing I did not mention in the blog is that Samie is that samie is exactly 3 years and 1 month OLDER then him. She is exactly 5 foot tall.

    Thanks Pony - The girls like him that's for sure.

  3. I was struck by the first photo of the two of you...the profiles are IDENTICAL!!

  4. What a handsome young man. I love the red bow tie!

  5. Thank you Once Upon an Equine.

    Regina - All of kids look a lot like me, and they all ended up with my crystal blue eyes.


Happy Trails!
