Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thanks, What's Next, and What The Heck...

First a huge THANK YOU to all the good wishes and congrats I received in my last post, Heels Down and Toes In.   I am still very much  proud of that accomplishment!  To me it means that the hours I've put into improving myself, my riding, my horsemanship, and my horse are paying off.  Even if I never compete again I know what what I'm doing is at least in the right direction.

What's next... A couple of you hinted at next year.  I had to smile at that because I have been toying with the idea of jumping (pardon the pun) back into the show arena.  However, I'm in no hurry at all to be part of the politics of Horse Shows.  Nor will I be sucked into them.  I want to have fun, and continue to improve myself week over week.  We'll have to see.

... WHAT THE HECK !! I'm hurt AGAIN!  This has the been the worst summer for me and injuries I swear!   I have some how managed to "tear some things up" in my right knee by stepping into a hole and hyper extending it.   Doc said slight tearing, nothing that should require surgery, but I am to "take it easy" for at least two weeks.  She also hinted that "Taking it easy" includes "NO RIDING !!"  Well, that'll be a cold day in hell!  I am waiting until this weekend to get back in the saddle though.  That's 7 days of No Riding, but that's ok.  It's back into the high 90's this week so not so great riding weather.

I will be posting about a quick trip to RenFaire last weekend to buy some components for my new costume...   We caught a Joust and as usual I stuck around to talk to the "Knights" and love on some very special horses so stay tuned!


  1. It wasn't the Michigan ren fest was it? I was there on Saturday all dressed up as a pirate and also watched jousting, in the rain D:

  2. Ouch! get feeling better and take it easy on that knee!

  3. Dang girl!!! And it's always those small things, like stepping in a hole that'll get ya!! Hope your back to tip top shape soon!!!

  4. Sorry about the knee, hope it heals fast.

  5. I hate times like that when it feels like every time you turn around, you're hurt! Hope you get out of this one soon!

  6. Well you go girlfriend! I'm proud of you for following some of your dreams and having so much enthusiasm....because that's what it takes for sure!

    That's a bummer about the knee. Seriously...take it easy because knees are nothing to mess around with...I know. They can be damaged permanently and require surgery if you over-do it.

    I hope it heals quickly for your sake. :)



Happy Trails!
