Thursday, December 16, 2010


Well at least it was if your kid in school.  

Those of us who live in the adult world had to dig our way out of our huts and into the rat race where people were pin-balling to their various places that they go.

I talked the sweet husband into driving me to work so my car wouldn't have to play in that game.

When I got home I tried to take some pictures in fast fading sunlight.

A summer home I believe... 

Libby going to her favorite Summer Time Seat.  

Can you see that "What The Heck ?!?!" look on her face?

Chase says "Come on Libby, Mom says we are supposed to be playing over here."


  1. Wow, you got plenty snow balls waiting there! Always good to stay safe. "~'

  2. Very cute pictures of the dogs and I love the bird nest picture. Looks like you might have a white Christmas.

  3. You've gotten more than we have. They were threatening us, but no much happened. If it is going to be too cold to be outside, it might as well snow. It's so pretty, but yeah, driving in the stuff ain't so fun.

    That is a gorgeous picture of Rosie in your header. I just love those full-figured mares!

  4. Yeah, I've noticed employers aren't too compassionate when it comes to the weather. I live 43 miles north of my office and that's just far enough that it can make a world of difference. I have resorted to emailing photos so they know I'm not making it up.

  5. Poor Libby! :)
    I know just how she feels.


  6. Ah, the pups on the lawn chairs! I can't even begin to count how many chairs Zeke has broken because he *thinks* he will fit in it!
    I will be coming through Cincinnati on Thursday!On our way to Toledo. I will wave and you will feel the waving vibe!!!!
    Merry Christmas! xo, misha


Happy Trails!
