Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hockey on Mothers Day

Logan is #23 yellow jersey, red and white socks.

These kids are all the same age, born in 1998.  Logan isn't the smallest on the team, but close to it.


  1. Hockey on Mother's Day...I've been there! This year we were actually free! I recognize that rink...and those jerseys! ;-)

  2. Great pictures. I've grown to enjoy hockey now that I understand it more.


    PS: Is it true that hockey moms are pit bulls with lipstick?

  3. I remember my days as a baseball mom, my sister had three boys in hockey too. It's nice for the boys to play sports, keeps them grounded I think. Happy Belated Mom's Day.

  4. Great! It would have been Lacrosse and Mother's Day this year if they had scheduled a game. Thankfully they didn't and we went camping instead, but the afternoon we came home, my son had his Lax game. Hockey is just as exciting as Lacrosse, I think. Do you like to yell and cheer a lot, too? :D
    Ironic that Logan is one of the smallest on his team when my twinlings tend to be the tallest on any team they play on. We grow 'em super-size around here. lol!

    Happy (belated) Mother's Day!!



Happy Trails!
