Monday, February 27, 2012

90% and a Thank You !

90% is where I'd say Bonnie's health is.  She's now on her normal diet of three flakes of hay, and normal pellets softened not mashed or souped.

While her flanks are still really sunken, she had good capillary refill on the guns so I'm just going to take a deep breath and assume it will take some time for her to fully rebound.

120% is what my PBO "S" gave during all of this ordeal with Bonnie.  I can't even begin to express my great appreciation for her level of attentiveness and care she provides my horses.  The constant communication, checking on Bonnie late nights, providing four or five "feedings" a day.  I know at one point, when Bonnie was having issues swallowing, she fed her a hand full at a time making sure Bonnie swallowed each one before moving on.   I know she reads this so "S" -  Jim and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done.


  1. Glad Bonnie is getting such good care - that's really nice for your peace of mind!

  2. This is all good news. How wonderful to have someone so dedicated that they go to these lengths to help you and your horse.

  3. wonderful news and yay for such an awesome and caring BO ! Way to be "S" you rock!

  4. That's great news. "S" must stand for Super!

  5. I agree 'S' super .....glad to hear things are on the improve


Happy Trails!
